
Why are doggies/puppies nowadays so expensive? :(

There are 3 types of dogs that Jack and I would love to have when we move in together.

  1. A golden retriever

  2. A miniature schanuzer

  3. Toy poodle

But, there are so expensive and sometimes hard to find. A golden retriever used to cost around rm1k+. Now, it cost rm4.5k!

A miniature schnauzer cost around rm1.5-rm2k+. It's cheaper to get it around K.L. It cost way more here in Sabah :(

A toy poodle costs around rm1.5 to rm2k above. It used to cost around rm1k but you can get it around K.L for rm600-rm800! Why!!! D:

I don't mind if it doesn't come with a microchip or whatever. As long as it's not mixed with any other breed and it's healthy, i'm good. Anyone selling puppies? Tee heeeee, sell em' to me at a reasonable price, please :D



❤ Emily ❤ said...
