
Decorations? Themes? Renovation madness?

My house is so dusty and messy right now. You can literally see dust floating around my breathing space. Everything is so cluttered up. Sigh. It would have been done if it wasn't for that stupid 'pokai' contractor! It's so hectic. We have to go here and there to buy the materials. "Boss, simen tidak cukup. Mau 50 bungkus lagi", "Boss, itu tiles tidak cukup. Mau 15 kotak lagi". Lol. And we have to keep the gates lock at all times. We don't want that 'pokai' contractor's worker to come and steal out stuff. They have been coming over and peeping from outside to see what they can take. It's actually that contractor's stuff but if you want it, come and ask from us. Don't come around peeping like cat burglars! We don't want your stuff anyway.

I'm cracking my head on the wedding decoration themes and entertainment. We don't want to spend a whole lot of money to hire a professional. We'd like to keep a budget, ya know. Creative and innovative ideas. Hahaha~ There are three colors that I'd like to incorporate into the decorations for my house; Pink/White/Red. Not the bright gay pink, i'm talking about the light, soft pink.

I need to contact some friends and tell them the date to make sure they are around. If they're not, I don't need to waste the wedding card invitation.

Lately I've been having weird dreams. Just last night, I dreamt I wore a black wedding dress, my make-up artist was crap, one of my bestie didn't show up and the groom was sleeping. My God! It was crazy. I hope that crap won't happen! Hahahaha~ Shit.



:: Val :: said...

Palis jauh2. *ketuk wood

Joanna said...

ya O.O palis2 knock wood jauh jauh...