
Should I chop of my locks?

I'm having a dilemma here. I'm thinking of cutting my hair short. Should I chop it off or let it grow? I'm kinda getting lazy to care for my long hair. It's hard to manage. Plus, I have frizzy hair. I wanna try a new style but afraid at the same time. Jack won't let me cut it short. If I wanna cut it short, he said I should do it after the wedding photoshoot. Ugh~ If I don't like the short do, I'll just slap on a wig then. Hahahaha~~ It's that easy =P



:: Val :: said...

I wanna butcher my hair of as well, hahaha. Am already annoyed enough with my shoulder length hair, can imagine how troublesome it is if my hair is long.

Joanna said...

yaaaaa...i am also thinking of butchering my locks would be way more breezy....