

Jonas' ginormous ben10 watch that he is currently obssessed with.

Jonas Ho. Sitting all alone at Secret Garden. He was stubborn at that time.

What do you think the middle thing looks like? Leaves' little to the imagination, eh? Jessica doodled this. She had no idea it would turn out that way.

Aroom, Stephanie, Joanna. Photo taken by Christopher

Isabelle, Aroom, Me, Stephanie, and Selvi. Picture by Earnest also.

Me, Stephanie, and Selvi at City Mall food court. Picture taken by Earnest.

** Joanna **


:: Val :: said...

Wow, that is one huge Ben 10 watch oxo. I seen alot of kids wearing it and the baju as well..

Joanna said... first commenter O w O
yaaa...huge kann...alot of kids seem to be obssessedddd with that cartoon now O.O even little girls O.O Jonas also has one ben10 shirt..the exact one that the cartoon character is wearing..

:: Val :: said...

Walao Oxo. he can cosplay as Ben already. All he need is an orange wig XD

Joanna said...

hahahaha..he wish! XDDDDDDD he'll run around punching me..

:: Val :: said...

Lolz, I like Jessica's doodle XD

Joanna said...

LOL! She didn't know it looked like 'that' thing until i told her..hahahaha